Hello! I’m a senior undergraduate studying Computer Science and Computer Engineering at the University of Kentucky. My research interests focus on the interplay of data, artificial intelligence, and people. I’m interested in advancing the application of AI to domain specific problem solving by developing models and software that better understand and interface with their users, make use of highly specialized data, and generalize across problem domains.
My current work as an undergraduate researcher with the UK Digital Restoration Initiative seeks to develop models and processing tools to recover knowledge from scans of ancient manuscripts and artifacts. Additionally, I am working with Dr. Judy Goldsmith (Computer Science) and Dr. Haoying Sun (Marketing and Supply Chain Management) to analyze, understand, and predict consumer purchasing preferences.
Past projects I have contributed to include:
- Development of intelligent search algorithms for improving the triage process when adding new data to biomedical research databases
- Analysis of algorithms for processing experimental sensor data from a sensor which will be used in a future cubesat mission to study the earth’s aurora
- Development of software for accessing and validating standardized datasets to benchmark machine learning models in the materials science domain
- Development of a generative model of rock sheet music for use as an artificial collaborator in the music composition process
Beginning Summer of 2020 I will start as an intern at Oak Ridge National Laboratory within a group focused on computational biophysics. This project will focus on integrating machine learning and domain knowledge in biophysics to predict protein structure and function from DNA sequences.